Taking charge of your mental health and wellness

Become informed

  • Keep a list of resources that contribute to your mental wellness (people, print and online).

  • Develop a plan for how and when to use these resources.

Advocate for yourself

  • Learn what contributes to your mental wellness and what takes away from it.

  • Think about how you can increase the things that contribute to your mental wellness.

  • Think about how you can decrease the things that take away from your mental wellness.

Examine your relationships with family and friends

  • Assess what is working, what is not working, what helps and what does not help.

  • Talk to those who are close to you to help them understand what they may be able to do to help you.

  • Develop a plan for how to reach out when necessary.

Examine your lifestyle

  • Look at how you are living your life: diet and nutrition, sleep and rest, exercise, creative activities, social activities.

  • Consider what helps you to improve your energy, confidence, self-esteem, coping skills and sense of inclusion while maintaining your mental wellness.

  • Create a plan that will help you maintain your healthy daily habits, for example adding a daily habit that works for you in your schedule every day.


Last updated Tue, Mar 29, 2022